
22-9-6 下午12:26 作者:ddd 【


This is an official application for returning to school please provide true and valid information.Your application will be reviewed by the university,and the Certificate of Content of Returning to School issued by the university is the-only proof that students can return to school.


Students shall provide the flight information in time. During the process of returning to school students should keep a close contact with the designated teachers of the school throughout the whole process of returning.

2. 保证遵守中国政府和学校的一切防疫规定;返校行程中的机票费用、隔离费用及核酸检测费用等由学生本人承担;严格遵守中国驻你国使领馆的相关要求;入境中国后,将按照入境城市疫情防控规定进行集中医学隔离观察(隔离天数由中国当时的防疫政策决定),解除隔离后方可回.

You should promise to abide by all requirements and rules stipulated by Chinese government and University. You should shoulder by yourself all costs of returning which include air ticket fees, quarantine and nucleic acid tests, etc. You should strictly abide by the requirements of the Chinese embassy at your home country. You should undergo a quarantine at the point of entry in China.(Days of quarantine will be decided by the current covid-19 policy of China). You will be allowed to come back to university after being released from the quarantine. You should undergo health monitoring by yourself at the designated dorm. (Days of health monitoring will be decided by the current covid-19 policy of University. And you should not leave the room during health monitoring of yourself).

3. 返校后,将在学校指定地点进行居家健康观测(期间不得离开房间,观测时间由当时的学校防疫政策决定),入校居家健康观测结束后,承诺一个月之内不得参加聚集性活动,不乘坐公共交通工具,不到人流较多的公共场所,最大限度约束自己的外出活动范围和频率,并且随时配合学校的核酸抽检工作。

You will be allowed to come back to university after being released from the quarantine. You should undergo health monitoring by yourself at the designated dorm. (Days of health monitoring will be decided by the current covid-19 policy of University. And you should not leave the room during health monitoring of yourself).After the completion of health monitoring, you should promise, in the following one month, not to participate in any gathering, not to take the public transportation and not to go to places where are many people. You should limit the sphere and frequency of your activity. And you should be cooperated with the school's nucleic acid sampling inspection work at any tisqlType = pmd.getParameterType(i);